Everything Flows 時間的餘韻
ink and color on silk 水墨設色絹本 95 x 180 cm 2017 |
社會上形形色色的東西被追逐,權力、地位、名譽、婚姻、成就⋯⋯ 每天每天人們都在追趕甚麼、欲獲得甚麼。而劉以鬯在《春雨 》中道:「沒有生命,整個宇宙的存在就會失去意義。生命本身有什麼意義?屬於過去的,是死的。屬於未來的,並不存在。屬於現在的,一瞬即逝。」我們無從定格在任何一刻。世界在旋動,我們都隨著時空不斷流轉。我們像漁翁、像海鳥,在汪洋中逐浪前行。而其實每個人在追逐的,都只是時間。我們被時間的洪流推著走,片刻轉瞬即逝。一切隨著時日循環往復,如海納百川,川流不息。我們都活在時間的餘韻之中。作品是一幅三聯畫,當中的圖像就如同時間,既連綿,卻又斷續,比喻了生命與時間之間的關 係。
Authority, social position, reputation, marriage, success... there are all kinds of desire being pursued in the society. Day after day, people keep chasing after their desires and keep dreaming of capturing them. “Without life, the existence of the whole world would no longer be significant. What is the significance of life itself? Those belong to the past is dead; those belong to the future do not exist; those belong to the present vanish in the blink of an eye”, Liu Yichang wrote in his prose . We can never be still at any moment. The world is spinning and we keep flowing along with it. We all, like the fishermen and the seabirds, are hunting along with the wave in the ocean. Actually, however, what everybody is chasing is time only. We all are led by the flood of time. Every second vanishes in the twinkling of an eye. Everything in time just goes around and around, likes rivers run into the sea and never ends. Everything is in the circle of life. And everything flows. The artwork is presented in a triptych, like time itself is intermittent indeed continuous. The images are the metaphor of the relationship of life and time.