Four in the Morning 清晨四點
ink and color on silk and paper 水墨設色絹本及紙本 80 x 56.8 cm 2016 |
I was inspired by a poem《Four in the Morning》of Wislawa Szymborska. I share a similar feeling with the poet towards the hour before sunrise. I believe that four in the morning is the hour of emptiness. It is the hour from reality to imagination, from the present to the past, and when night falls over the city. Four in the morning is the very moment we feel the world. I try to present this kind of feeling by depicting a little blue bird in a room staring at the scenery from far away. And the scenery is exactly the same of a painting from the Song Dynasty representing the history, the past of the world. I also combine the two material, silk and paper, in the painting. Silk presents a soft feeling while paper presents a strong texture. I try to make a difference on the usual practice of only painting on silk or paper to bring a new visual enjoyment.